录取国际学生 - 签证申请及续签



大多数班.S. citizens who wish to study in the United States seek an F-1(非移民)学生签证. A new F-1 or J-1 visa can only be obtained at a U.S. 大使馆或领事馆 在美国以外. It is not possible to renew a visa by mail or in person within the United States.

每一个你.S. embassy has different visa application procedures, and most now require appointments for visa processing. 你应该联络 U.S. 大使馆或领事馆 where you plan to apply for your visa for additional information or to set up an appointment if required. Please plan ahead as there is a wait time at most embassies.


When you apply for an F-1 or J-1 visa, you must "prove" to the consular officer that you do not intend to immigrate to the United States. It is important to bring supporting documents that provide evidence of your intent to return to your home country such as: proof of family ties, ownership of property in your home country, 在你的祖国找份工作, 等.

In addition to the visa application fee, first-time F-1 and J-1 applicants (and some renewing applicants) are also required to pay the SEVIS I-901费用.


Call the Bureau of Consular Affairs at (202) 485-7600, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. 到5点.m. 东部时间.


In case of a visa denial, please see the State Department's 有关拒签的信息.

What to Bring to the Visa Appointment

  • 护照
  • 需要照片(s)
  • 签证费或支付证明
  • Federal SEVIS fee payment receipt
  • U.S. non-immigrant visa application forms (unless you will complete at the consulate or embassy)
  • 索尔·里贾纳录取通知书
  • 亚洲博彩平台排名 SEVIS I-20
  • Test scores and academic records
  • 英语水平证明
  • 经济支持证明
  • Evidence of ties to your home country
  • Any other documents required by the 大使馆或领事馆

Remember that if you plan to attend 亚洲博彩平台排名, you must present the visa officer with an I-20 issued by 亚洲博彩平台排名. 你不能申请美国签证.S. visa using anther school's I-20 and then try to attend 亚洲博彩平台排名, as that is considered fraudulent entry by U.S. 移民局.

Strategies for the Visa Appointment

Be definite and clear about your educational plans. You should be able to explain precisely what you wish to study and why you chose 亚洲博彩平台排名 for your education. Be especially prepared to explain your reasons for studying in the United States rather than your country.

Anticipate that the visa interview will be conducted in 英语. Do not bring your parents or other family members with you to the visa interview. You will create a negative impression if you are not prepared to speak on your own behalf.

Demonstrate convincing reasons for consular officials to believe that you intend to return home after studies in the United States. Emphasize ties to your home country such as employment, 家庭责任, 银行账户, 家庭成员在家, property or investments that you own or will inherit, and clear explanations of how you plan to use your education to help your country or pursue a career when you return home.

Be prepared to prove financial ability to pay for your education and living expenses. While some students work part time during their studies, such employment is incidental to their main purpose of completing their education. You must show the consular officer that you have the annual amount in U.S. 你的I-20表格上写的是多少美元. Your financial evidence should be in the form of bank statements, 支持宣誓书, 奖学金授予信, 等.

Because of the volume of visa applications, consular officials are under considerable pressure to conduct a quick and efficient interview. 在很大程度上, they must make a decision on the impression they form during the first minute or two of the interview. Consequently, what you say first and the initial impression you create are critical to your success. Keep your answers short and to the point.

Applicants from countries suffering economic problems or from countries where many students have remained in the United States as immigrants will have more difficulty getting visas. Statistically, applicants from these countries are more likely to be intending immigrants. They are also more likely to be asked about job opportunities in the United States.

If you have a spouse and/or children remaining behind in your home country, be prepared to address how they will support themselves in your absence. This can be an especially tricky area if you are the primary source of income for your family. If the consular official gains the impression that your family members will need you to remit money from the United States in order to support them, your student visa will almost surely be denied.