

At 亚洲博彩平台排名 University, 我们的戏剧艺术学士学位通过公平和身份的镜头提供基础教育. Whether they are studying dramas, performing in or designing productions, or seeking to serve communities, our students learn the value of theater as a tool for positive change. With empathy at the heart of our theatre arts program, 我们营造了一种冒险的氛围,并提供挑战学生挖掘理解和自我意识的遭遇.

Discover Who You Are at 亚洲博彩平台排名

主修或辅修戏剧艺术的学生要学习三个课程分支, 创造基于发现的途径来理解身份和表现在戏剧中的作用.

戏剧文学课程将学生与来自世界各地的文化和表演风格以及历史上被边缘化的社区联系起来,这些社区使用戏剧来描绘他们的经历. Through community engagement courses, 学生们倾听那些感到被忽视的人的声音,并利用戏剧手段进行合作和寻求改变. Production courses focused on acting, 技术设计, 导演和剧本写作使学生具备专业实践所需的知识和技能.

萨尔维·里贾纳的戏剧艺术项目使学生能够通过自己的手艺回馈社会. 作为一个戏剧艺术家,它是亚洲博彩平台排名发现你是谁,别人是谁,别人需要你做什么. As an academic program inspired by the University mission, 我们询问戏剧如何能提供服务,并反思我们自己的公平做法, identity and representation – and their impact on the world.

"The Bible Women's Project" wins national college festival awards

Bible Women's Project

戏剧艺术项目制作的“圣经妇女计划”最近获得了肯尼迪中心美国大学戏剧节的三个国家奖项:公民艺术家奖, Distinguished Performance Ensemble and Distinguished Devised Play.

"I've been so proud of our students with the bold shows we've produced, 但《亚洲博彩平台排名》的演员们在表演这个节目时所表现出的脆弱和冒险精神让我特别谦卑,因为他们继续为这项工作付出自己,”医生说。. 塔拉·布鲁克·沃特金斯, assistant professor and program coordinator.

Students make history performing on Broadway in "伊甸之子"


For the first time in the history of 亚洲博彩平台排名's theatre arts program, 22名学生将在百老汇演出音乐剧《亚洲博彩平台排名》," a musical by the famed Stephen Schwartz.

“当我发现我们的剧组要在林肯中心和著名演员一起表演时, 我花了一点时间才意识到我真的要在百老汇表演了——当我告诉我父母的时候, they could not have been more proud," said theatre arts major Matthew Desorcy. "It's a dream come true."

对戏剧感兴趣的学生通过分析和表演经验来探索戏剧作品的理论和实用方面. 我们才华横溢的教授们用顶级的戏剧教育为在董事会中取得成功而设计的混合艺术家, the courtroom or the greenroom.​




广泛的戏剧文科教育培养出适应性强、自我导向的毕业生,并为未来发展成为有思想的艺术家和富有成效的公民奠定基础. Our graduates are well prepared for a lifetime of appreciation, participation and further study in the performing arts. Our graduates have gone on to successful careers in the arts, 业务, 教育, 政府, 表演, 出版, 还有更多.

专业演员: 毕业生是演员公平协会和演员工会的成员,并在全国各地工作, from New York City to regional theatre to Broadway touring companies.

老师: Some graduates receive their certification and serve in public classrooms, while others are teaching artists in after-school and summer programs. 一些人创办了自己的教育戏剧公司,为学生们带来互动戏剧.

艺术管理员: 研究生s are marketing directors, grant writers and arts managers at theater companies large and small.

研究生院: 具有戏剧艺术学士学位的学生有资格申请表演艺术硕士研究生课程, directing or design or the Ph.D. in theater history or dramaturgy. Others pursue graduate study in a wide variety of disciplines.

研究生s may consider the following careers:

  • 演员
  • 艺术管理员
  • Community arts worker
  • 戏剧的治疗师
  • 电台主持人
  • 舞台监督
  • 老师
  • Television production assistant
  • 剧场导演

Stagefright Theatre Company

Stagefright Theatre Company

For students interested in writing, directing or producing their own work, StageFright is the place to do it all. 每年, StageFright制作了两部由学生经营的作品,还组织了剧本创作节, cabarets and workshops focusing on different aspects of the art form, such as stage combat or viewpoints.

Past shows have included "Urinetown,“男人和洋娃娃。,”“亚当斯一家,“春醒”," "Seussical” and "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.“我们鼓励所有学科的学生以自己选择的任何方式参与, 包括指导, performing and designing.

Major in 戏剧艺术 (B.A.)


14 courses | 36-38 credits


  • THE102: Foundations of 代理
  • THE105: Multicultural Drama and Performance
  • THE135:编剧才能
  • THE203: Voice and Movement
  • THE218: Stage Management
  • THE220: African American Drama or THE221: Gender and Sexuality in Theatre
  • THE246: Theatre and Community Engagement
  • THE364:导演
  • THE384: Dramatic Theory and Criticism
  • THE399: Special Topics
  • THE431: Theatre as a Profession
  • THE485: Senior Thesis Preparation
  • THE490: Senior Thesis Project

学生还可以从现有的专业或专题中选择两门一学分课程和一门三学分课程. 学生必须参加至少四部主要舞台作品, two on stage and two behind the scenes.




Two of the following courses are required:

  • THE102: Foundations of 代理
  • THE135:编剧才能
  • THE246: Theatre and Community Engagement

One of the following courses is required:

  • THE105: Multicultural Drama and Performance
  • THE220: African American Drama
  • THE221: Gender and Sexuality in Performance

学生从戏剧艺术课程列表中选择9个额外学分,并与他们的顾问协商. Minors are expected to participate in two mainstage productions, one on stage and one behind the scenes.

戏剧艺术 Concentrations

强烈鼓励希望成为专业演员的学生加入表演专业. 专业戏剧公司寻找能够诠释古典和现代文本的演员,比如威廉·莎士比亚, Anton Chekhov and Arthur Miller, 但他们也坚持认为,这些演员带来了像小丑一样的身体技能, 面具的工作, Viewpoints and impulse trust. 从事表演专业的学生要学习和练习一系列的技能, 从古典表演到运动戏剧再到电影和电视表演.



  • THE115:试镜
  • THE215: Movement Theatre
  • THE317: Realism in 代理
  • THE415: 代理 for Film and Television


音乐剧专业是为希望以更专业的方式表演音乐剧的学生设计的. Students explore realism in acting and musical theater auditioning, along with courses in rhythm-generated jazz, musical theater dance, 音乐理论, 合唱. 他们也可以选择参加私人声乐课程或额外的舞蹈课程.



  • DNC124: Dance for the 音乐剧
  • DNC231: Rhythm-Generated Jazz Styles and Techniques
  • MSC211: Musicianship I
  • MSC244: Choral and Vocal Methods
  • THE115:试镜
  • THE317: Realism in 代理


学生进入大学时,往往对他们在幕后可以做出的贡献知之甚少. 技术剧院集中发展基本的设计和执行技能, 服装, lighting and hair and makeup. 学生们也可以因在主要舞台作品中担任领导角色而获得学分, which is essential for an early-career professional. 攻读技术戏剧专业的学生为实习做好了充分的准备, assistant technical positions and MFA pathways.



  • THE231: Makeup for Stage and Film
  • THE337: Costume and Props Design
  • THE368: Theatre Production
  • THE435: Scenic and Lighting Design