

在索尔里贾纳大学, our bachelor's degree in studio art provides unique opportunities for students to develop their creative and practical skills while exploring the theory, 艺术实践与历史. 在小班环境中, our students customize their study of the visual arts through concentrations in ceramics, 平面设计, 插图, 互动媒体艺术, 绘画与摄影.


我们的学生得到了密集的个人关注, instruction and guidance from dedicated and talented professionals whose studio practice informs their teaching. 我们鼓励学生追求两倍甚至三倍的浓度, providing them with the flexibility and versatility sought by employers in the shifting sands of 今天’s job market.

课堂外, our students participate in internships that provide them with practical experience and prepare them to work professionally in the field.

我们的课程为研究生工作提供了很好的准备, 以及在课堂上的职业生涯, 设计工作室, 画廊和博物馆.

亚洲博彩平台排名 is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD).

Students applying for the studio art major are required to submit a portfolio of 1-5 pieces through their student status page. 有关学生状态页面的帮助,请联系 admissions@药膏.edu.


As a senior product development designer for the 家居装饰 company Annie Selke, 伊莉斯·琼斯的11开发床上用品, 地毯, 家居装饰, 壁纸, 配件, sleepwear and apparel for the company's family of brands while also merchandising the products into seasonal collections. 日常工作围绕表面或纺织品设计, 例如,供应商在创建产品时使用的工程艺术品. Other responsibilities involve research and ideation for new collections and products, 监督品牌标识设计和专业包装, 处理新产品设计项目.

In my daily design work, I constantly draw from lessons I was taught at Salve in various art classes. 虽然平面设计通常被认为是一个以数字为主的领域, 外的, hands-on fine arts classes allowed me to hone a hand craft that has enhanced my work overall.



我们充满活力的学生艺术家社区探索了广泛的工作室艺术, 包括陶瓷, 平面设计, 插图, 互动媒体, 绘画与摄影. Our students learn to think critically and develop creative problem-solving skills while producing stunning, 专业的工作. 我们鼓励您与我们一起探索、创新和成长.


我们是一群专业的艺术家, 学者, designers and teachers who bring the same passion and vigor we hold for our own work into the classroom. We are committed to helping our students discover their individual strengths and go to great lengths to help them realize their goals.​




A liberal arts-based degree in studio art provides a strong foundation for numerous career paths. 而一些毕业生成为了工作室艺术家, 定期在著名的画廊和博物馆展出他们的作品, 还有一些人在广告行业取得了成功, 营销与管理, museum work and highly visible film and television enterprises such as MTV and PBS.

亚洲博彩平台排名的毕业生在非营利组织和公共服务部门工作, 与加纳和平队合作, 作为艺术治疗师和老师. Others have pursued advanced degrees or certificates in the arts and related fields.

许多校友主修商科或辅修商科, 市场营销, 心理学, 英语, 文化及历史保存.


每年春天, site-specific art installations designed by studio art majors as part of their Advanced Studio Concepts course appear throughout campus. The goal of the project is to create a piece on campus that transforms the public’s experience of the chosen site. 有些作品带有政治或环境信息, 而另一些则纯粹是为了审美而创造的.

 The students are always excited to have the opportunity to respond to the inspiring natural and architectural environment here at Salve. 学生们对材料进行广泛的探索, as well as concept development through interdisciplinary research with professors outside the art department. It is a great opportunity to share the art majors’ hard work with the larger Salve community. 





17-18门课程| 44-50学分


  • ART074:木工车间安全和工具或ART202:雕塑概念
  • ART091:新生艺术研讨会
  • ART131:绘画1
  • ART132:绘画II
  • ART200:绘图三
  • ART208:世界艺术史I:史前到1400年
  • ART209:世界艺术史II: 1400年至今
  • ART218:介绍数字艺术与设计
  • ART300:高级工作室概念
  • ART354:艺术理论与批评
  • ART400:投资组合
  • ART446:专业实践顶点

Students also choose two electives in art history and complete a four-course concentration in ceramics, 平面设计, 插图, 互动媒体艺术, 绘画或摄影.

Majors participate in a comprehensive portfolio review during the spring semesters of their first year and junior year, and are required to participate in the senior exhibition during the spring semester of their final year.

Students who qualify may choose to produce a senior honors thesis in the gallery. Students enrolled in ART445: Senior Honors Thesis must also participate in the regular senior exhibition held in the gallery.



7门课程| 21学分


  • ART131:绘画1
  • ART202:雕塑概念或ART231:陶瓷I:粘土,文化和创造力
  • ART208:世界艺术史I:史前到1400年 or ART209:世界艺术史II: 1400年至今

学生们还选修了四门工作室艺术课程, 在与系主任协商后选择.


我们的陶瓷厂使用粘土作为解决问题的材料, 在传统(功能)或概念(雕塑)风格. 能力建设, 对技术的理解和对10的接触,000 years of ceramic cultural history are coupled with stretching the limits of students' creative problem-solving abilities.


  • ART231:陶瓷导论:粘土,文化和创造力
  • ART232:陶瓷入门:扔在陶工的轮子上
  • ART332:粘土,釉和烧制或ART333:陶瓷表面装饰
  • 一门二维工作室选修课

Our 平面设计 concentration provides an understanding of visual communication concepts, 培养批判性地分析视觉信息的能力, and familiarizes students with the skills and technology available to solve visual problems.


  • ART202: Sculptural Concepts or ART231:陶瓷导论:粘土,文化和创造力
  • ART241:平面设计入门
  • ART242:印刷平面设计
  • ART341:集中研究:平面设计

Our 插图 concentration explores an artistic practice that fully employs the communicative and transformative function of art. 插图 may also serve as a commercial application for skills learned in drawing and painting classes.


  • ART202: Sculptural Concepts or ART231:陶瓷导论:粘土,文化和创造力


  • ART244:介绍插图:图片的人
  • ART246:介绍插图:视觉叙事
  • ART344:图解世界:电子人、外星人和精灵
  • ART346:连续艺术:漫画和图画小说
  • ART356:照明:绘本

Our 互动媒体艺术 concentration explores the impact and diversity of the computer as a communication tool. 该计划包括物理计算的研究, 先进的网络技术, 游戏, 生成的艺术, 卡通动画, 数字视频和声音编辑.


  • ART202: Sculptural Concepts or ART231:陶瓷导论:粘土,文化和创造力
  • ART220:介绍用代码制作艺术
  • ART230:介绍网页设计
  • ART311:交互设计

From observational rendering to a more complete understanding of color relationships, our painting concentration leads students through a continuum of challenges to a more sophisticated knowledge of the painter’s art and craft.


  • ART202: Sculptural Concepts or ART231:陶瓷导论:粘土,文化和创造力
  • ART250:绘画导论:观察与色彩
  • ART256:绘画导论:构建绘画空间
  • ART370: Pathways in Advanced 绘画 or ART375: Mixed Media, Innovation and Exploration

Our photography concentration explores technique with an aim to develop a more personal means of visual expression through both traditional (analog) and digital means. 媒介的历史脉络——来自时间的运动, and space to the provocative nature of social issues - is presented at all levels of the program.


  • ART202: Sculptural Concepts or ART231:陶瓷导论:粘土,文化和创造力
  • ART271:介绍数码摄影


  • ART272:介绍电影摄影
  • ART360:纪实摄影
  • ART362:摄影故事:摄影集
  • ART364:摄影肖像