
Through a comprehensive and exciting blend of coursework and fieldwork, our program immerses students in the study of social work and its role in 今天's multicultural society. Accredited by the Council on 社会工作 Education for nearly 30 years, our bachelor's degree program meets national standards for undergraduate social work education and for beginning generalist professional practice.

Acquire the Tools to Facilitate Systemic Change

小类, 由学识渊博的教师教授的, explore topics ranging from human behavior to social welfare policy. Fieldwork in such settings as state and local human services agencies, 医院, long-term care facilities and schools is an essential part of our curriculum, allowing students to translate classroom theory into real-world applications.

Majors complete at least 660 hours of practical experience - beginning with community-based service learning projects as freshmen, continuing with internships as juniors and seniors, and culminating with capstone research projects - that fosters in them a deeper appreciation for human diversity and dignity and teaches them to advocate for social justice.

With a challenging curriculum and a rigorous fieldwork requirement, our program prepares students for professional careers and for graduate school, where they often enter prestigious programs with advanced standing.

Meet the Demand for 社会工作 Professionals

我们与 圣约瑟夫大学 offers a pathway for students to earn their bachelor's degree in social work from 亚洲博彩平台排名 and a 社会工作硕士学位 来自圣约瑟夫. 每年, Saint Joseph reserves up to 10 seats for 亚洲博彩平台排名 students who meet program requirements and are accepted into the Master of 社会工作 program.

Social work majors who maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA and submit positive recommendations from faculty are eligible for admission to the 31-credit advanced standing program, which can be completed in one year on a full-time basis or two years on a part-time basis. All other majors are eligible for admission to the 61-credit standard program, which can be completed in two years on a full-time basis or three years on a part-time basis.

Program Spotlight: Promising Practitioner

安妮·阿维拉 '22 fueled her passion for helping 家庭 in need during her time at 亚洲博彩平台排名. 毕业后, she secured a position as a clinician at the North American Family Institute, a nonprofit agency helping children and adults with mental health and behavioral issues.

"I have worked closely with at-risk youth and have been able to provide services and support to 家庭 in need,阿维拉说. "I am proud to use my Spanish language skills in the field, especially to assist communities that are faced with language barriers."

Avila's hard work has been noticed – she was recently awarded the Promising Practitioners Award from the Rhode Island chapter of the National Association of 社会工作ers.



Our faculty boasts a national reputation for its excellence and embraces a generalist curriculum, 特别关注女性, children and the critical concerns of the Sisters of Mercy (earth, 移民, 非暴力, 种族主义和妇女).




A social work degree prepares students both personally and professionally for entry-level generalist practice with individuals, 家庭, 组, organizations and communities while also providing a solid foundation for graduate study. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 16% growth in demand through 2026, 比很多其他领域都要高.


Our graduates are employed in all levels and fields of social work practice. 专业领域包括:

  • Alcohol and drug treatment facilities
  • 托儿机构
  • 儿童福利
  • 危机干预计划
  • 发育障碍
  • 家庭保护计划
  • 寄养及领养
  • 组织家庭
  • 临终关怀
  • 医院
  • 宏观/政策
  • 心理健康中心
  • 护理和康复设施
  • Probation departments/juvenile justice
  • 研究
  • 学校
  • 青少年分流计划

Our graduates have pursued advanced degrees in social work at institutions such as:

  • 巴里大学
  • 波士顿学院
  • 波士顿大学
  • 凯斯西储大学
  • 天主教大学
  • 哥伦比亚大学
  • 福特汉姆大学
  • 芝加哥洛约拉大学
  • 纽约大学
  • 西蒙斯学院
  • 史密斯学院
  • 锡拉丘兹大学
  • 康涅狄格大学
  • 伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校
  • 宾夕法尼亚大学



27门课程| 68-70学分


  • BIO110: Human Biology: Physiology and Health
  • POL115:美国政治制度
  • SWK120: Social Problems: Analysis by Race, Class and Gender
  • SWK120S: Social Problems: Service Learning
  • SWK190: History of 社会工作 and Social Welfare Policy
  • SWK215: Human Behavior and Diversity I
  • SWK216: Human Behavior and Diversity II
  • SWK320:练习方法1
  • SWK330:练习方法2
  • SWK360:全才实践研讨会
  • SWK361: Generalist Practice Field Internship I
  • SWK370: Generalist Practice Seminar II
  • SWK371: Generalist Practice Field Internship II
  • SWK403:研究方法1
  • SWK404:研究方法II
  • 国际社会工作
  • SWK421:高级实地研讨会1
  • SWK422:高级实习
  • SWK451:高级实地研讨会II
  • SWK452:高级实地实习II
  • SWK470:综合研讨会的顶点
  • SWK472: Independent Study in 社会工作
  • SWK499:独立研究

Students also choose one three-credit social work elective and three one-credit workshops designed to address issues concerning diversity, 压迫, social justice and/or special populations.



Designed for students majoring in disciplines other than social work, our minor in human services immerses students in the study of social work and its role in 今天's multicultural society.

7门课程| 19学分


  • SWK120: Social Problems: Analysis by Race, Class and Gender
  • SWK120S: Social Problems: Service Learning
  • SWK190: History of 社会工作 and Social Welfare Policy
  • SWK215: Human Behavior and Diversity I
  • SWK216: Human Behavior and Diversity II

Students also choose two elective courses in social work.