English Communications - Success Stories

Alumni Success Stories


Kalene Brennan ’08

布伦南在Best Buddies International公司从事开发和传播工作, the world’s largest organization dedicated to ending the social, 智力和发育残疾者在物质和经济上的孤立.

“我们的项目通过帮助IDD患者与同龄人建立有意义的友谊来增强他们的特殊能力, secure successful jobs, live independently, improve public speaking, self-advocacy and communication skills and feel valued by society,” she said.

布伦南是“最好的伙伴挑战”团队的发展和沟通副主任, which raises more than $10 million annually through walk, run and cycle challenges in California, Florida and Massachusetts. “我每年为50多个活动管理复杂的沟通日程表, create and edit content for the website, 管理挑战的社交媒体账户,并与设计人员合作创建参与者筹款工具,” she said.

她相信,亚洲博彩平台排名给了她目前角色所需的工具. “我从Salve身上学到的最好的一课是照顾你所居住的社区的重要性,” Brennan said. “If you're on the fence about what to declare as a major, 我得说英语可能是你能拿到的最好的学位之一. It's so malleable and can be applied in any professional field.”

Kelsey Murray ’12

As the global head of social media at NASDAQ, Murray负责设计和监督企业社交媒体战略的实施, ensuring it aligns with the brand’s vision and voice. She oversees content planning, event and thought leadership content amplification, paid social campaigns and performance, brand partnership strategy, analytics and reporting.

Prior to joining NASDAQ, Murray worked for Northwestern Mutual, LearnVest, American Salon magazine, People magazine and Thrive Global. “As much as I loved the editorial business, 这种扩大的社交媒体角色帮助我一头扎进了分析领域,” she said. “我将展示我的团队所交付的成功项目如何最终达到公司的业务目标,并帮助推动收入和增长.”

穆雷说,她在沟通课程中学到的最重要的技能是采访的艺术. “当我向我的团队、我的老板、我的机构提出正确的问题时,我们就会得到更好的解决方案,”她说. “当我回到Salve时,我会让所有英语专业的学生都知道这项技能有多重要.”

默里通过与英语专业的学生会面,并帮助新校友在纽约和波士顿找到成功的媒体工作,与亚洲博彩平台排名保持着联系. “There were people who helped me at Salve – find my voice, find my vision, find my passion, find my purpose,” she said. “我的目标是为下一代女性和Salve毕业生做同样的事情.”

Tara Stanzione ’16

作为罗杰·威廉姆斯大学住宿教育的协调员, 斯坦齐奥尼管理着12名住校助理和大约600名住校学生. While her core duties include mentoring students, creating engaging programs and helping those who are in need, every day is different.

“我没有朝九晚五的工作,每天都做同样的事情,”她说. “One day I could be hosting a campus-wide carnival, 而下一秒我可能在凌晨四点处理严重的心理健康危机.m.”

Stanzione, 她在Salve大学期间曾担任《亚洲博彩平台排名》文学杂志和《亚洲博彩平台排名》学生报纸的主编, 她说,这些经历为团队合作和开放沟通的重要性提供了宝贵的经验. “作为一名常驻顾问改变了我的职业道路方向, 负责两份出版物并管理每个小组的团队动态,帮助我成为了我的助理助理的更强有力的导师,也是我的员工中更有同情心的团队成员,” she added.

斯坦齐奥内说,她的英语沟通学位对她的职业生涯和日常生活都非常有帮助. “我学到的技能使我在时间紧迫的情况下能够更快地思考, 这让我学会了如何在应召时问最重要的问题,” she said.

Albert Vuoso ’15

As a member of the talent (human resources) team at Warby Parker, a direct-to-consumer eyewear and sunglasses retailer, Vuoso’s work focuses on learning and development, diversity and inclusion, and employee experience.

“During my junior year of college, I developed a strong admiration for the Warby Parker brand, 他对在一家快速发展的科技初创公司工作的想法很感兴趣,” he said. “我在大四那年3月申请,同年10月收到回复. At that time, 我当时在纽约金融区的一家电影公关公司工作, 并抓住了为Warby Parker转换职业和公司的机会.”

Vuoso说,亚洲博彩平台排名的文科课程使他能够批判性地思考世界, himself and his work, and to understand his role as a global citizen. He also studied abroad in Costa Rica, 这段经历让他对在世界不同地方做人意味着什么有了更深的理解.

“Having a strong background in writing, reading and analysis never goes out of style, and are competencies that employers seek out,” he said. “此外,也许最重要的是,Salve的英语学位是给自己的礼物. You will engage with text, film and theories that will undoubtedly shape you in new ways, and expand your perspective and sense of self for the better.”

Jacqueline Yun ’04

作为哈佛大学艺术与科学研究生院的学生服务主任, Yun帮助那些遇到学业或个人困难的学生. She also oversees student organizations, 为研究生委员会提供建议,并协调培训等项目.

“A typical day for me is taking individual meetings with students, 经常与他们的学术顾问讨论工作策略和制定学术行动计划,” Yun said. “我也可能会与学生团体的领导会面,帮助他们制定一个项目,或者讨论领导过渡计划.”

As a double major in communications and theatre arts, Yun将这两个项目的经验融入到她目前的职业生涯中. “I give oral presentations regularly, 与团队合作,制定内部和外部沟通策略,并为研究生院的月度简报撰写专栏,” she said. “In addition, my theatre arts coursework prepared me to think creatively, work collaboratively on teams, learn the power of storytelling and how to improvise.”

尹教授表示,传媒专业是大学生的明智选择, noting that organizations, 公司和非营利组织都需要具有优秀的书面和口头沟通能力的专业人员. “英语学位为就业提供了坚实的基础, 申请研究生学习并在研究生院取得学术上的成功,” she added.